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Abnormal Quantum Gravity Effect: Experim...
Xiong, Hongwei...
Abnormal Quantum Gravity Effect: Experimental Scheme with Superfluid Helium Sphere and Applications to Accelerating Universe by Xiong, Hongwei ( Author )
Australian National University
From the general assumption that gravity originates from the coupling and thermal equilibrium between matter and vacuum, after a derivation of Newton's law of gravitation and an interpretation of the attractive gravity force between two classical objects, we consider the macroscopic quantum gravity effect for particles whose wave packets are delocalized at macroscopic scale. We predict an abnormal repulsive gravity effect in this work. For a sphere full of superfluid helium, it is shown that with a gravimeter placed in this sphere, the sensitivities of the gravity acceleration $\Delta g/g$ below $10^{-8}$ could be used to test the abnormal quantum gravity effect, which satisfies the present experimental technique of atom interferometer, free-fall absolute gravimeters and superconducting gravimeters. We further propose a self-consistent field equation including the quantum effect of gravity. As an application of this field equation, we give a simple interpretation of the accelerating universe due to dark energy. Based on the idea that the dark energy originates from the quantum gravity effect of vacuum excitations due to the coupling between matter and vacuum, without any fitting parameter, the ratio between dark energy density and matter density (including dark matter) is calculated as 2.2, which agrees quantitatively with the result 7/3 obtained from various astronomical observations.
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