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Archeological Expedition to Arizona in 1895 by Jesse Walter Fewkes ( Author )
Jesse Walter Fewkes was keenly interested in the history and culture of the Hopi people, and spent much of his career studying and documenting the legends and ceremonies of the Hopi people. He was even accepted into the Flute and Antelope societies. Most of the archaeological work he did attempted to explain the archaeological remains he unearthed by using Hopi clan migration traditions. This is why he had returned to Flagstaff--to see if he could find information that would relate certain Hopi clans to the Flagstaff area. In addition, he felt there was a gap in his archaeological knowledge of the remains between the Navajo country and the Verde Valley. An example of the application of the natural history method is concerned with the artifacts resulting from the exploration of Sikyatki in 1895, during which hundreds of pieces of decorated pottery were excavated. Applying the interpretation of the art motives used in the decoration of ancient Hopi religious paraphernalia given him by the priests, Dr. Fewkes was able for the first time to fix the meaning of the Sikyatki symbolic designs.
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History General and Old World
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