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Mythen en Legenden van Egypte by Spence, Lewis ( Author )
Click "free sample" to read the whole book no need to purchase. "Let us walk in the gloom of the pyramids, in the cool shadows of ruined temples, aye, through the tortuous labyrinth of the Egyptian mind itself, trusting that by virtue of the light we carry, we shall succeed in unraveling to some extent the age-long enigma of this mystic land." — from Chapter One. In this classic study, a noted mythologist made perhaps the first serious attempt to review the religious history of ancient Egypt in the light of the science of modern mythology. Instead of regarding Egyptian mythology and legend as unique, "classic" and inviolate, as did many Egyptologists, Spence saw Egyptian religious thought as part of world mythology, rooted in primitive conceptions common to mankind as a whole and related to those of many other cultures.
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History General and Old World
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