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Fame and Fortune; or, The Progress of Richard Hunter by Jr. Horatio Alger ( Author )
Click "free sample" to read the whole book no need to purchase. Richard Hunter, formerly Ragged Dick, continues to advance in the world through luck and excellent morals. He, along with his friend Henry, moves into a better boarding house and then finds a promising job. He is framed for theft by a jealous co-worker and ends up in jail. He is exonerated, given his job back, and then is promoted. He eventually works his way up the ladder and becomes quite successful.Fame and Fortune is the sequel to the adventure book Ragged Dick. Richard Hunter is a hard worker with admirable morals. Along with his friend Henry, they continue to have positive outlooks in life. But soon, Dick finds that others start to work against him as they become envious and jealous of his life. How will Dick react as he tries to strive forward while others conspire to hold him down?
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Language and Literature
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