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Do the Navier-Stokes equations embody al...
Lv, Qifeng...
Do the Navier-Stokes equations embody all physics in a flow of Newtonian fluids? by Lv, Qifeng ( Author )
Australian National University
The Navier-Stokes equations are the governing equations of fluid flows. They are deemed to embody all physics in a flow of Newtonian fluids like water, especially when we assume the fluid is incompressible. Fluid flows are usually described in the Eulerian perspective wherein we focus on the fluid's quantities at a fixed point in space as time processes, rather than the motion of each individual particle. The latter perspective is indeed the Lagrangian perspective which is widely used in solid mechanics like elasticity. Thus, the Navier-Stokes equations should be and indeed they are always used in the Eulerian perspective. Here we show the right-hand sides of the Navier-Stokes equations were derived not in the Eulerian perspective but rather in the Lagrangian perspective, because the strain rates used in the derivation were the Lagrangian Cauchy strain rates. Thus, for describing fluid flows in the Eulerian perspective, the Navier-Stokes equations may lost some physics. To make it sure, we put the Cauchy strain into the material derivative, and then derive the Eulerian Cauchy strain rates. We find the difference between the Eulerian and the Lagrangian Cauchy strain rates is significant when in a turbulent flow. Therefore, On the basis of the Eulerian Cauchy strain rates, we derive a new set of governing equations for the flow of Newtonian fluids. The newly derived governing equations are fully in the Eulerian perspective. We believe they are the real equations that Navier, Cauchy, Poisson and Stokes intended to find for the viscous flow of Newtonian fluids.
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