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Trailin'! by Max Brand ( Author )
Click "free sample" to read the whole book. No need to purchase.Trailin' is an exciting tale by one of the most prolific writers of Westerns of his time. Anthony Woodbury's search for the killer of his father takes him to the Wild West. Not some tenderfoot Easterner, Woodbury is skilled in horsemanship and knows his way around firearms. The dramatic reading by Maynard Villers provides listeners with a vast panorama of villainy, heroism, excellent farce, chicanery, and even romance. The high point of Villers's performance is his realistic rendition of a sailor's chantey. It will be up to listeners to decide whether Woodbury's developing romance or his solution to avenging his father's death is the most appealing element of this tale. Western buffs of all ages will enjoy this program. Highly recommended.?Sister Avila, formerly with Acad. of the Holy Angels, Minneapolis Copyright 1996 Reed Business Information, Inc.
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Language and Literature American literature
MYR 0.01
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