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Cut-off for lamplighter chains on tori: ...
Dembo, Amir...
Cut-off for lamplighter chains on tori: dimension interpolation and phase transition by Dembo, Amir ( Author )
Australian National University
Given a finite, connected graph $G$, the lamplighter chain on $G$ is the lazy random walk $X^\diamond$ on the associated lamplighter graph $G^\diamond={\mathbf Z}_2 \wr G$. The mixing time of the lamplighter chain on the torus ${\mathbf Z}_n^d$ is known to have a cutoff at a time asymptotic to the cover time of ${\mathbf Z}_n^d$ if $d=2$, and to half the cover time if $d \ge 3$. We show that the mixing time of the lamplighter chain on $G_n(a)={\mathbf Z}_n^2 \times {\mathbf Z}_{a \log n}$ has a cutoff at $\psi(a)$ times the cover time of $G_n(a)$ as $n \to \infty$, where $\psi$ is an explicit weakly decreasing map from $(0,\infty)$ onto $[1/2,1)$. In particular, as $a > 0$ varies, the threshold continuously interpolates between the known thresholds for ${\mathbf Z}_n^2$ and ${\mathbf Z}_n^3$. Perhaps surprisingly, we find a phase transition (non-smoothness of $\psi$) at the point $a_*=\pi r_3 (1+\sqrt{2})$, where high dimensional behavior ($\psi(a)=1/2$ for all $a \ge a_*$) commences. Here $r_3$ is the effective resistance from $0$ to $\infty$ in ${\mathbf Z}^3$.
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