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Snow-Bound at Eagle's by Bret Harte ( Author )
Click "free sample" to read the whole book. No need to purchase." "The TWO others!" gasped Hale. "Then there were only THREE men, and we SIX." The man shrugged his shoulders. The passenger who had given up the greenbacks drawled, with a slow, irritating tolerance, "I reckon you're a stranger here?" "I am--to this sort of thing, certainly, though I live a dozen miles from here, at Eagle's Court," returned Hale scornfully. "Then you're the chap that's doin' that fancy ranchin' over at Eagle's," continued the man lazily. "Whatever I'm doing at Eagle's Court, I'm not ashamed of it," said Hale tartly; "and that's more than I can say of what I've done--or HAVEN'T done--to-night. I've been one of six men over-awed and robbed by THREE." "As to the over-awin', ez you call it--mebbee you know more about it than us. As to the Read More
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Language and Literature American literature
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