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An Everyday Girl: A Story by Amy Ella Blanchard ( Author )
Click "free sample" to read the whole book. No need to purchase.Blanchard (1854-1926) was an American writer of children's literature. She was born in Baltimore, Maryland and educated in public schools before studying art in New York and Philadelphia. She taught drawing and painting for several years before turning to a writing career. Her lifelong companion was the artist Ida Waugh (1846-1919) with whom she collaborated on many illustrated children's books, the first of which entitled 'Bonny Bairns' was published in 1888. She went on to become a prolific writer of stories for girls, creating several series and from 1923-25 won for three successive years the first prize in a national contest promoted by the National League of American Pen Women, of which she was a member, for the best story written by American women writers. This book was first published in 1924.
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Language and Literature
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