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American Ideals and Other Essays Social and Political by Theodore Roosevelt ( Author )
Click "free sample" to read the whole book. No need to purchase.Theodore Roosevelt was a writer, naturalist soldier and 26th President of the United States. His military exploits and his love of nature are well known. While spending 2 years at his ranch in the badlands of the Dakotas, Roosevelt became increasingly aware of the environment and the need to preserve it. Roosevelt was president of the United States from 1901 to1909. Roosevelt was also a ranch rider, ornithologist, big game hunter, and soldier, as well as being a writer and a voracious reader. Essays in this collection include American Ideals, True Americanism, The Manly Virtues and Practical Politics, The College Graduate and Public Life, Phases of State Legislation, Machine Politics in New York City, and The Vice Presidency and the Campaign of 1896.
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Language and Literature
MYR 0.01
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