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Putois / 1907 by Anatole France ( Author )
Click "free sample" to read the whole book. No need to purchase.This garden of our childhood, said Monsieur Bergeret, this garden that one could pace off in twenty steps, was for us a whole world, full of smiles and surprises. “Lucien, do you recall Putois?” asked Zoe, smiling as usual, the lips pressed, bending over her work. “Do I recall Putois! Of all the faces I saw as a child that of Putois remains the clearest in my remembrance. All the features of his face and his character are fixed in my mind. He had a pointed cranium...” “A low forehead,” added Mademoiselle Zoe. And the brother and sister recited alternately, in a monotonous voice, with an odd gravity, the points in a sort of description: “A low forehead.” “Squinting eyes.” “A shifty glance.” “Crow’s-feet at the temples.” “The cheek-bones sharp, red and shining.” “His ears had no rims to them.” “The features were devoid of all expression.”
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