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The Adventures of a Cat, and a Fine Cat Too! by Elwes, Alfred ( Author )
Click "free sample" to read the whole book. No need to purchase. Book Excerpt:...ted before she would have come to his assistance. As it was, he managed to drag himself to the edge without any help at all; and as we feared that all of us would get punished if the adventure were known, my sisters and I set to work and licked him all over; and then getting into bed, we cuddled up together to make him dry, and were soon fast asleep. Although the accident was not known at the time, we all suffered for it; for my brother caught a dreadful cold, and my sisters were ill for several days, through the quantity of the stuff we had licked off my brother's coat, and one of us nearly died through it. As we grew stronger and older, we were permitted, under the care of our nurse, to...
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