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Remarks on the speeches of William Paul Clerk, and John Hall of Otterburn, Esq by Daniel Defoe ( Author )
Click "free sample" to read the whole book. No need to purchase.ANY Judicious Man, who will be at the pains attentively to read the following Speeches, and compare them with the Papers left by Lord Derwentwater, Colonel Oxburgh, and the other Rebels lately executed, must soon be convinc’d, That they all proceed from the same Mint, and are fram’d on purpose to spirit up the Faction to a New Rebellion. There’s such an Uniformity in the Stile, Matter, and Way of Arguing, as sufficiently proves this; so that instead of being the Speeches of the deceas’d Rebels, they plainly appear to be the Composure of others, who endeavour to serve the Cause not only at the Expence of those poor Mens Reputation, but even of their Souls, by prevailing upon them to deliver such Papers as their dying Sentiments, and the Result of their own Thoughts.
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Language and Literature
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