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Journal of an African Cruiser by Horatio Bridge ( Author )
Click "free sample" to read the whole book no need to purchase. Discover the journal of a curious traveler in 'Journal of an African Cruiser' by Horatio Bridge. Through the pages of his daily entries and musings, Bridge shares his experiences and observations during his voyage along the West Coast of Africa. With a keen eye for detail and a desire to present the truth without bias, Bridge delves into various aspects of the region, from the settlements of European nations to the intriguing customs of native tribes. As he navigates the enervating climate, he provides glimpses into the complex web of trade and interactions between the indigenous people and the European colonizers. Particularly notable are his reflections on Liberia, where Bridge's impartial perspective sheds light on the condition and future of the colony. Drawing on personal observations from previous visits, he captures the dynamic nature of the settlement and its ongoing struggles and progress.
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