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Riceyman Steps: A Novel by Bennett, Arnold ( Author )
Click "free sample" to read the whole book. No need to purchase. On an autumn afternoon of 1919 a hatless man with a slight limp might have been observedascending the gentle, broad acclivity of Riceyman Steps, which lead from King's Cross Road up toRiceyman Square, in the great metropolitan industrial district of Clerkenwell. He was rather less thanstout and rather more than slim. His thin hair had begun to turn from black to grey, but hiscomplexion was still fairly good, and the rich, very red lips, under a small greyish moustache andover a short, pointed beard, were quite remarkable in their suggestion of vitality. The brown eyesseemed a little small; they peered at near objects. As to his age, an experienced and cautious observerof mankind, without previous knowledge of this man, would have said no more than that he mustbe past forty. The man himself was certainly entitled to say that he was in the prime of life. He worea neat dark-grey suit, which must have been carefully folded at nights, a low, white, starched collar, and a "made" black tie that completely hid the shirt-front; the shirt-cuffs could not be seen. He wasshod in old, black leather slippers, well polished. He gave an appearance of quiet, intelligent, refinedand kindly prosperity; and in his little eyes shone the varying lights of emotional sensitiveness.
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