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Bordered Floer homology for manifolds wi...
Hanselman, Jonathan...
Bordered Floer homology for manifolds with torus boundary via immersed curves by Hanselman, Jonathan ( Author )
This paper gives a geometric interpretation of bordered Heegaard Floer homology for manifolds with torus boundary. If M is such a manifold, we show that the type D structure CFDˆ may be viewed as a set of immersed curves decorated with local systems in ∂M. These curves-with-decoration are invariants of the underlying three-manifold up to regular homotopy of the curves and isomorphism of the local systems. Given two such manifolds and a homeomorphism h between the boundary tori, the Heegaard Floer homology of the closed manifold obtained by gluing with h is obtained from the Lagrangian intersection Floer homology of the curve-sets. This machinery has several applications: We establish that the dimension of HFˆ decreases under a certain class of degree one maps (pinches) and we establish that the existence of an essential separating torus gives rise to a lower bound on the dimension of HFˆ. In particular, it follows that a prime rational homology sphere Y with HFˆ(Y)<5 must be geometric. Other results include a new proof of Eftekhary's theorem that L-space homology spheres are atoroidal; a complete characterisation of toroidal L-spaces in terms of gluing data; and a proof of a conjecture of Hom, Lidman, and Vafaee on satellite L-space knots.
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