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The Floating Light of the Goodwin Sands by R. M. Ballantyne ( Author )
Click "free sample" to read the whole book no need to purchase. A light-clear, ruddy and brilliant, like a huge carbuncle-uprose one evening fromthe deep, and remained hovering about forty feet above the surface, scattering itsrays far and wide, over the Downs to Ramsgate and Deal, along the coast towardsDover, away beyond the North Foreland, across the Goodwin Sands, and far outupon the bosom of the great North Sea.It was a chill November evening, when this light arose, in the year-well, it mattersnot what year. We have good reasons, reader, for shrouding this point in mystery. Itmay have been recently; it may have been "long, long ago." We don't intend to tell. Itwas not the first time of that light's appearance, and it certainly was not the last.Let it suffice that what we are about to relate did happen, sometime or other withinthe present century.Besides being cold, the evening in question was somewhat stormy-"gusty," as wassaid of it by a traveller with a stern visage and remarkably keen grey eyes, whoentered the coffee-room of an hotel which stood on the margin of Ramsgateharbour facing the sea, and from the upper windows of which the light justmentioned was visible.
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