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Effect of Bohm potential on a charged gas
Mostacci, D....
Effect of Bohm potential on a charged gas by Mostacci, D. ( Author )
Bohm's interpretation of Quantum Mechanics leads to the derivation of a Quantum Kinetic Equation (QKE): in the present work, propagation of waves in charged quantum gases is investigated starting from this QKE. Dispersion relations are derived for fully and weakly degenerate fermions and bosons (these latter above critical temperature), and the differences underlined. Use of a kinetic equation permits investigation of "Landau-type" damping: it is found that the presence of damping in fermion gases is dependent upon the degree of degeneracy, whereas it is always present in boson gases. In fully degenerate fermions a phenomenon appears that is akin to the "zero sound" propagation.
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