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Topology of K\"ahler manifolds with weak...
Weber, Brian...
Topology of K\"ahler manifolds with weakly pseudoconvex boundary by Weber, Brian ( Author )
Australian National University
We study Kahler manifolds-with-boundary, not necessarily compact, with weakly pseudoconvex boundary, each component of which is compact. If such a manifold $K$ has $l\ge2$ boundary components (possibly $l=\infty$), then it has first betti number at least $l-1$, and the Levi form of any boundary component is zero. If $K$ has $l\ge1$ pseudoconvex boundary components and at least one non-parabolic end, the first betti number of $K$ is at least $l$. In either case, any boundary component has non-vanishing first betti number. If $K$ has one pseudoconvex boundary component with vanishing first betti number, the first betti number of $K$ is also zero. Especially significant are applications to Kahler ALE manifolds, and to Kahler 4-manifolds. This significantly extends prior results in this direction (eg. Kohn-Rossi), and uses substantially simpler methods.
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