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Tensor Triangular Geometry for Classical...
Boe, Brian D....
Tensor Triangular Geometry for Classical Lie Superalgebras by Boe, Brian D. ( Author )
Australian National University
Tensor triangular geometry as introduced by Balmer is a powerful idea which can be used to extract the ambient geometry from a given tensor triangulated category. In this paper we provide a general setting for a compactly generated tensor triangulated category which enables one to classify thick tensor ideals and the Balmer spectrum. For a classical Lie superalgebra ${\mathfrak g}={\mathfrak g}_{\bar{0}}\oplus {\mathfrak g}_{\bar{1}}$, we construct a Zariski space from a detecting subalgebra of ${\mathfrak g}$ and demonstrate that this topological space governs the tensor triangular geometry for the category of finite dimensional ${\mathfrak g}$-modules which are semisimple over ${\mathfrak g}_{\bar{0}}$.
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