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Global relaxation of bistable solutions ...
Risler, Emmanuel...
Global relaxation of bistable solutions for gradient systems in one unbounded spatial dimension by Risler, Emmanuel ( Author )
This paper is concerned with parabolic gradient systems of the form \[ u_t=-\nabla V (u) + \mathcal{D} u_{xx}\,, \] where the spatial domain is the whole real line, the state variable $u$ is multidimensional, $\mathcal{D}$ denotes a fixed diffusion matrix, and the potential $V$ is coercive at infinity. Bistable solutions, that is solutions close at both ends of space to stable homogeneous equilibria, are considered. For a solution of this kind, it is proved that, if the equilibria approached at both ends belong to the same level set of the potential and if an appropriate (localized in space) energy remains bounded from below as time increases, then the solution approaches, as time goes to infinity, a pattern of profiles of stationary solutions homoclinic or heteroclinic to stable homogeneous equilibria, going slowly away from one another. This result provides a step towards a complete description of the global behaviour of all bistable solutions that is pursued in a companion paper. Some consequences are derived, and applications to some examples are given.
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