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Index theory of uniform pseudodifferenti...
Engel, Alexander...
Index theory of uniform pseudodifferential operators by Engel, Alexander ( Author )
Australian National University
We generalize Roe's index theorem for graded generalized Dirac operators on amenable manifolds to multigraded elliptic uniform pseudodifferential operators. This generalization will follow as a corollary from a local index theorem that is valid on any manifold of bounded geometry. This local formula incorporates the uniform estimates that are present in the definition of our class of pseudodifferential operators which is more general than similar classes defined by other authors. We will revisit Spakula's uniform K-homology and show that multigraded elliptic uniform pseudodifferential operators naturally define classes in it. For this we will investigate uniform K-homology more closely, e.g., construct the external product and show invariance under weak homotopies. The latter will be used to refine and extend Spakula's results about the rough Baum-Connes assembly map. We will identify the dual theory of uniform K-homology. We will give a simple definition of uniform K-theory for all metric spaces and in the case of manifolds of bounded geometry we will give an interpretation of it via vector bundles of bounded geometry. Using a version of Mayer-Vietoris induction that is adapted to our needs, we will prove Poincare duality between uniform K-theory and uniform K-homology for spin-c manifolds of bounded geometry. We will construct Chern characters from uniform K-theory to bounded de Rham cohomology and from uniform K-homology to uniform de Rham homology. Using the adapted Mayer-Vietoris induction we will also show that these Chern characters induce isomorphisms modulo torsion.
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