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The House of the Vampire by George Sylvester Viereck ( Author )
Click "free sample" to read the whole book no need to purchase. The House of the Vampire is one of the first psychic vampire novels of its time where the vampire feeds off of more than just blood. The House of the Vampire is an early classic in its genre infused with a relish for the supernatural, especially the trappings of the dark. The House of the Vampire delivers a horror blurring the lines between fact and fiction and is considered a classic among Victorian Gothic stories. He felt the presence of the hand of Reginald Clarke - unmistakably - groping in his brain as if searching for something that had still escaped him. He tried to move, to cry out, but his limbs were paralyzed. When, by a superhuman effort, he at last succeeded in shaking off the numbness that held him enchained, he awoke just in time to see a figure, that of a man, disappearing in the wall that separated Reginald's apartments from his room.... George Sylvester Viereck is remembered today for his contributions to fantasy literature. Born in Germany he immigrated to the United States with his family at age 11. He was editor of the magazine The Fatherland, which advocated fair play for the Central Powers when World War I came out. The magazine quickly became very popular, reaching a circulation of 100,000, and changed its name to American Monthly when the US broke with Germany. Despite his support for the American war effort, the anti-German hysteria affected Viereck, and he suffered the boycott that many German-Americans felt during those years.
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