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Global behaviour of bistable solutions f...
Risler, Emmanuel...
Global behaviour of bistable solutions for gradient systems in one unbounded spatial dimension by Risler, Emmanuel ( Author )
This paper is concerned with parabolic gradient systems of the form ut=−∇V(u)+uxx, where the spatial domain is the whole real line, the state variable u is multidimensional, and the potential V is coercive at infinity. For such systems, under generic assumptions on the potential, the asymptotic behaviour of every bistable solution (that is, every solution close at both ends of space to stable homogeneous equilibria) is described. Every such solution approaches, far to the left in space a stacked family of bistable fronts travelling to the left, far to the right in space a stacked family of bistable fronts travelling to the right, and in between a pattern of profiles of stationary solutions homoclinic or heteroclinic to stable homogeneous equilibria, going slowly away from one another. This result pushes one step further the program initiated in the late seventies by Fife and McLeod about the global asymptotic behaviour of bistable solutions, by extending their results to the case of systems. In the absence of maximum principle, the arguments are purely variational, and call upon previous results obtained in companion papers.
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