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Sea and Sardinia by D. H. Lawrence ( Author )
Click "free sample" to read the whole book. No need to purchase. An intriguing account of Sicilian life that reveals as much about the writer as the place, people, and customs it describes Written after the First World War when he was living in Sicily, Sea and Sardinia records Lawrence's journey to Sardinia and back in January 1921. It reveals his delighted response to a new landscape and people and his uncanny ability to transmute the spirit of place into literary art. Like his other travel writings the book is also a shrewd inquiry into the political and social values of an era which saw the rise of communism and fascism. This edition restores censored pasages and corrects corrupt textual readings to reveal the book Lawrence himself called "a marvel of veracity.
2,137.44 KB
Language and Literature
Geography. Anthropology. Recreation
MYR 0.01
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