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Counting Quiver Representations over Fin...
Helleloid, Geir T....
Counting Quiver Representations over Finite Fields Via Graph Enumeration by Helleloid, Geir T. ( Author )
Australian National University
Let $\Gamma$ be a quiver on n vertices $v_1, v_2, ..., v_n$ with $g_{ij}$ edges between $v_i$ and $v_j$, and let $\alpha \in \N^n$. Hua gave a formula for $A_{\Gamma}(\alpha, q)$, the number of isomorphism classes of absolutely indecomposable representations of $\Gamma$ over the finite field $\F_q$ with dimension vector $\alpha$. Kac showed that $A_{\Gamma}(\bm{\alpha}, q)$ is a polynomial in q with integer coefficients. Using Hua's formula, we show that for each non-negative integer s, the s-th derivative of $A_{\Gamma}(\alpha,q)$ with respect to q, when evaluated at q = 1, is a polynomial in the variables $g_{ij}$, and we compute the highest degree terms in this polynomial. Our formulas for these coefficients depend on the enumeration of certain families of connected graphs.
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