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Automatic Photo Adjustment Using Deep Ne...
Yan, Zhicheng...
Automatic Photo Adjustment Using Deep Neural Networks by Yan, Zhicheng ( Author )
Australian National University
Photo retouching enables photographers to invoke dramatic visual impressions by artistically enhancing their photos through stylistic color and tone adjustments. However, it is also a time-consuming and challenging task that requires advanced skills beyond the abilities of casual photographers. Using an automated algorithm is an appealing alternative to manual work but such an algorithm faces many hurdles. Many photographic styles rely on subtle adjustments that depend on the image content and even its semantics. Further, these adjustments are often spatially varying. Because of these characteristics, existing automatic algorithms are still limited and cover only a subset of these challenges. Recently, deep machine learning has shown unique abilities to address hard problems that resisted machine algorithms for long. This motivated us to explore the use of deep learning in the context of photo editing. In this paper, we explain how to formulate the automatic photo adjustment problem in a way suitable for this approach. We also introduce an image descriptor that accounts for the local semantics of an image. Our experiments demonstrate that our deep learning formulation applied using these descriptors successfully capture sophisticated photographic styles. In particular and unlike previous techniques, it can model local adjustments that depend on the image semantics. We show on several examples that this yields results that are qualitatively and quantitatively better than previous work.
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