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Fifty Years In The Northwest by William H. C. Folsom ( Author )
Click "free sample" to read the whole book. No need to purchase. Excerpt from Fifty Years in the Northwest: With an Introduction and Appendix Containing Reminiscences, Incidents and Notes . As a matter of interest to personal friends, and as also tending to throw additional light upon my relation to the events here narrated, I have prefixed an account of my own early life for the nineteen years preceding my removal to the West, thus giving to the work a somewhat autobiographical form. It may be claimed that a work thus written in the form of a life history of a single individual, with observations from his own personal standpoint, will be more connected, clear and systematic in its narration of events than if it were written impersonally.
4,681.27 KB
Language and Literature
Auxiliary Sciences of History
MYR 0.01
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