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Characterizing two-dimensional incompres...
Xia, Lang...
Characterizing two-dimensional incompressible flows through traveling wave and symmetry solutions of the vorticity transportation equation by Xia, Lang ( Author )
We use the vorticity transportation equation as the start point--with the help of stream function for two-dimensional planar incompressible flows--to obtain exact solutions that characterize evolution and dynamics of the flows. These traveling wave solutions, including both continuous and solitary waves, also recover the results existing in the theory of potential flows. We further analyze the flow patterns regarding symmetry solutions generated by Lie transformation groups. Some of the symmetry solutions have not been discussed in the current literature. They could display flow patterns very different from that of the original exact solutions, suggesting the symmetry solutions are not trivial. Particularly, the symmetry solutions to Lame-Oseen vortex and doublet exhibit more complicated dynamics.
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