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Extended Affine Root Supersystems
Yousofzadeh, Malihe...
Extended Affine Root Supersystems by Yousofzadeh, Malihe ( Author )
Australian National University
The interaction of a Lie algebra $\LL,$ having a weight space decomposition with respect to a nonzero toral subalgebra, with its corresponding root system forms a powerful tool in the study of the structure of $\LL.$ This, in particular, suggests a systematic study of the root system apart from its connection with the Lie algebra. Although there have been a lot of researches in this regard on Lie algebra level, such an approach has not been considered on Lie superalgebra level. In this work, we introduce and study extended affine root supersystems which are a generalization of both affine reflection systems and locally finite root supersystems. Extended affine root supersystems appear as the root systems of the super version of extended affine Lie algebras and invariant affine reflection algebras including affine Lie superalgebras. This work provides a framework to study the structure of this kind of Lie superalgebras refereed to as extended affine Lie superalgebras.
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