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Inference on a Distribution Function fro...
Duembgen, Lutz...
Inference on a Distribution Function from Ranked Set Samples by Duembgen, Lutz ( Author )
Australian National University
Consider independent observations $(X_1,R_1)$, $(X_2,R_2)$, \ldots, $(X_n,R_n)$ with random or fixed ranks $R_i \in \{1,2,\ldots,k\}$, while conditional on $R_i = r$, the random variable $X_i$ has the same distribution as the $r$-th order statistic within a random sample of size $k$ from an unknown continuous distribution function $F$. Such observation schemes are utilized in situations in which ranking observations is much easier than obtaining their precise values. Two well-known special cases are ranked set sampling (McIntyre 1952) and judgement post-stratification (MacEachern et al. 2004). Within a general setting including unbalanced ranked set sampling we derive and compare the asymptotic distributions of three different estimators of the distribution function $F$ as $n \to \infty$ with fixed $k$: The stratified estimator of Stokes and Sager (1988), the nonparametric maximum-likelihood estimator of Kvam and Samaniego (1994) and a moment-based estimator of Chen (2001). Our functional central limit theorems generalize and refine previous asymptotic analyses. In addition we discuss briefly pointwise and simultaneous confidence intervals for the distribution function $F$ with guaranteed coverage probability for finite sample sizes. The methods are illustrated with a real data example, and the potential impact of imperfect rankings is investigated in a small simulation experiment. All in all, the moment-based estimator seems to offer a good compromise between efficiency and robustness versus imperfect ranking, in addition to computational efficiency.
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