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Clever Betsy: A Novel by Clara Louise Burnham ( Author )
Click "free sample" to read the whole book. No need to purchase. Maine readers are always interested in a book by Clara Louise Burnham and “Clever Betsy” will be no exception, particularly as much of the scene is laid in a little Maine seacoast village which the author calls Fairport, but which readers may recognize by other names. The real “character” of the story is clever Betsy herself, the romance is woven around her protégé, who is the “clinging vine” type of girl, rejoicing in a glorious crown of golden hair and the romantic name of Rosalie Vincent. She is one of the sort who “hopeth all things, endureth all things,” (the unwelcome attentions and persecutions of a certain young man excepted) and one is rewarded by winning as fine a young man as the present day affords, and to whom her friendless and orphaned state appeals. But the regulation love affair of this charming young couple is quite lacking in the spice that makes the courtship of Clever Betsy and her captain, Hiram Salter, so diverting.
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Language and Literature
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