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Aunt Crete's Emancipation by by Grace Livingston Hill ( Author )
Click "free sample" to read the whole book. No need to purchase. Lucretia was short and dumpy, with the comfortable, patient look of the maiden aunt that knows she is indispensable because she will meekly take all the burdens that no one else wants to bear. Her sister could easily look over her head into the hall, and her gaze was penetrative and alert. "I'm sure I don't know, Carrie," said Lucretia apprehensively; "but I'm all of a tremble. Telegrams are dreadful things." "Nonsense, Crete, you always act like such a baby. Hurry up, Luella. Don't stop to read it. Your Aunt Crete will have a fit. Wasn't there anything to pay? Who is it for?"
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Language and Literature
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