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Active Latitude Oscillations Observed on...
Kilcik, A....
Active Latitude Oscillations Observed on the Sun by Kilcik, A. ( Author )
We investigate periodicities in mean heliographic latitudes of sunspot groups, called active latitudes, for the last six complete solar cycles (1945-2008). For this purpose, the Multi Taper Method and Morlet Wavelet analysis methods were used. We found the following: 1) Solar rotation periodicities (26-38 days) are present in active latitudes of both hemispheres for all the investigated cycles (18 to 23). 2) Both in the northern and southern hemispheres, active latitudes drifted towards the equator starting from the beginning to the end of each cycle by following an oscillating path. These motions are well described by a second order polynomial. 3) There are no meaningful periods between 55 and about 300 days in either hemisphere for all cycles. 4) A 300 to 370 day periodicity appears in both hemispheres for Cycle 23, in the northern hemisphere for Cycle 20, and in the southern hemisphere for Cycle 18.
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