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The Mind of the Child, Part II / The Development of the Intellect, International Education / Series Edited By William T. Harris, Volume IX. by Preyer, William T. ( Author )
Click "free sample" to read the whole book no need to purchase. The development of the intellect, Observations concerning the mental development of the human being in the first years of life. This second volume contains the further investigations of Professor Prayer on the mind of the child. The former volume contained the first and second portions, devoted respectively to the development of the senses and of the will. The present volume contains the third part, treating of the development of the intellect; and three appendices are added containing supplementary matter. This considerable labor will render the book more practical, inasmuch as it will enable each reader to see at a glance the items of development of the child in the several departments brought together in epochs.
1,197.60 KB
Philosophy. Psychology. Religion
MYR 0.01
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