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Corticelli Home Needlework by Unknown ( Author )
In the endeavor to make this book larger and better than any previous edition we have called to our aid some of the best needleworkers and designers in this country, and the result is that we have the choicest collection of embroidery designs for home decoration it has ever been our privilege to present. We have been fortunate in securing the services of Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. Haywood, Miss Morse, Miss Hallowell, and Mrs. Smith. Their designs are always greatly admired, and undoubtedly many of our readers will prefer to embroider their patterns, taking advantage of this opportunity to study the treatment these well known authorities furnish for their special designs. Special attention is called to the Corticelli Colored Plates, which are the only accurate reproductions of embroidery in natural colors ever published. Aside from their beauty they will be found of great value to every needleworker, as they show not only the correct shading of each flower, but also the length and direction of the stitches. We show several very attractive designs for knitted fancy tops for golf and bicycle stockings, and the rules given are from practical patterns knit from wool and silk. To many needleworkers this may be the first Corticelli instruction book they have seen. From such we invite the closest examination of our goods, feeling confident that intelligent women can in this way readily appreciate the superior quality of Corticelli Silk.
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Fine Arts
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