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Spin excitations of half-doped bilayer m...
Buitrago, Ivon R...
Spin excitations of half-doped bilayer manganites: intermediate phase by Buitrago, Ivon R ( Author )
Australian National University
The ground state of half-doped manganites involves intricate spin, charge and orbital orderings, which are difficult to discern experimentally. In this work, we resort to the theoretical analysis of the spin fluctuation spectrum of the half-doped bilayer Pr(Ca$_{0.9}$Sr$_{0.1}$)$_2$ Mn$_2$O$_7$ in order to get an insight of its electronic ground state. By means of the linear spin wave approximation, we compute the magnon dispersion for a family of localized spin models, which can describe several phases proposed for the ground state of half-doped manganites, like the intermediate one proposed by Efremov et al. [Nat.Mats. 3, 853, (2004)] along with its particular cases corresponding to Goodenough's CE phase [Phys. Rev. 100, 564, (1955)] and Zener polaron or dimer phases. We obtain an excellent agreement between theory and experiment when the ground state is assumed to be a generalized Goodenough's CE phase, with a Mn-charge disproportionation inside the experimentally expected range. As essential ingredients for our improved fit of the upper and lower magnon branches measured around the gap, we identified two next-nearest neighbour exchange interactions between the planar Mn zig-zag chains, one for each type of Mn ion present. In connection with this finding, we revisited the magnetic excitations of the laminar related compounds, focusing on the upper magnon branches. Here we prove that their measurement would provide the key to identify unambiguously the ground state present in the layered half-doped manganites.
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